Choose an Office Sound Masking System
What is an office sound masking system? The office sound masking system has been widely used for more than 50 years in the 1960s for the Department of Defense, and has been used to provide better acoustic privacy in the office space since then. The basic idea behind the sound masking is that if I fill in the sound spectrum, it makes it very difficult to understand the conversation that occurs around me. And if I can't understand it, they tend to distract me. Thus, office sound masking systems both increase office privacy and increase office productivity. Human ears work like radar dishes - continue to look for sounds that show a kind of structure. Your ears are bombarded by sound throughout the day - and your brain must filter out useful sounds from irrelevant ones. So he is looking for a structure. Language and music have a structure, for example. The sound of a broken twig or a creaking door communicates information that is useful for your 'battle or flight' instinct. On...